Garbarakshambikai Homam

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Garbarakshambikai Homam is a powerful homam for childless couples attain parenthood and pregnant women undergo safe delivery. The Homam heals many complications and issues related to fertilities and pregnancies. The impediments in the process of getting pregnant are smoothened with the beam of positive energy from this goddess.

Garbarakshambiga nurtures and protects the womb and gives a position as Mother to longing couples. Thus one can look at this kind Goddess for begetting child and to lead a happy life.


Significance of Garbarakshambikai Homam:

No celestial being can ever surpass the motherly instinct of this goddess who is an embodiment of motherhood and love. Garbarakshambigai Devi is the energy form of Parvathi. She is always ready to bless couples to have lovely babies.

This special Garbarakshambikai Homam is done to protect the womb & to deliver a safe and healthy child. The name of the goddess has a symbolic meaning; Garba means “womb”, Raksha means """"to protect” and Ambigai is the other name of Goddess Parvathi.

So this merciful Mother gives protection for life to women, blesses her with a good husband, help to have easy child birth and to lead a happy family!


Garbarakshambikai Homam is ideal for:

  • Women facing pregnancy related complications
  • Pregnant Women to undergo safe delivery
  • For Childless coouple to attain Parenthood
  • Women who are facing frequent miscarriages and progeny issues 


Ideal day / thithi  for Garbarakshambikai Homam:

Panchami Tithi is the most preferred Hora timing for Garbarakshambiga Homam.



The Homam to be performed depends on the type of problems & the individual’s Birth Chart, usually a Pandit is consulted for advice on the type of homams that are to be conducted. If you have any doubts please send us a mail to A detailed analysis of your Horoscope chart can be done by our Pandits would suggest you the most suitable remedies or if to conduct special poojas or homams for specific problems, that would help you over come your problems and to obtain evident good results

The main objective of performing the Homams is to enrich positive energy of the ruling planets and to nullify the negative elements shown in the birth chart. It is also a form of remedial measure which has been followed from the ancient times. Homams and poojas are performed for a particular deity by invoking Agni – the God of fire. It is said that when Lord Brahma (the creator among the Trinity) created man, he also created “Homam” for man’s livelihood and his attainment of spiritual desires.